Saturday, March 16, 2013

Is this what I do?

Strange name for a blog post, I know, but I am awake once again in the middle of the night, and I am trying to get my thoughts on track, so I thought I would write about them.

Today, I was in a meeting at work (of course) and I became increasingly agitated with the discussion. Actually this was not a meeting but it was supposed to be work on a PLU (professional learning unit) regarding the new standards for Common Core Math. The topic of discussion turned quickly to technology and I found myself in the middle of not knowing enough about a topic. Yes, I didn't know enough about a particular interactive website (or two) that two administrators were now touting as the best thing since sliced bread. Was my agitation over not knowing enough? I don't think so. . .

My administrators were going, once again, down the path of "let's now focus here." The problem is that we are all over the place with no focus. It is not a problem just with technology. Since technology is my area, however, it seems to be much worse. It probably is much worse in this area because technology is moving so fast and we can't keep up, so why not keep moving away from true utilization.

The district has spent a fortune on technology tools but no one seems to have them. And, on my albeit quick walk throughs, I never see the teachers with the technology using it. The other problem is that when the money is spent on the technology, it is old before the teacher develops an expertise in using it. So, we go back to the "let's now focus here."

Is the reason for the constantly moving focus that no expertise is built because of lack of training? Many administrators think so, but where technology is concerned, an expert never emerges from training. An expert emerges from constant use and a willingness to try and the stability to recover from errors. Yes, trial and error is the ONLY way to learn. Many teachers, however, seem to be willing to put a technology tool aside after the first "error."

Is the reason for the constantly moving focus that the technology just doesn't work? The technology will work with a "keep trying" mentality and when the user knows enough to understand why the tool might not be working. For example, is it because the computer needs a reboot? Or, is it because the wireless signal is weak and an access point needs to be added? There could be so many reasons that there are too many to consider here.

Is the reason for the constantly moving focus that educators are always looking for a magic bullet? You know about this scenario:  School "X" got high test scores, so let's do what they are doing; but, school "Y" got high test scores, so let's do what they are doing; but, school "Z" got high . . . you get the picture.

Or, is the reason for the constantly moving focus that everyone must have the "newest and shiniest"? This is certainly the reason many technology companies are in business!

Whatever the reason, some of our teachers are not using technology at all while others seem to be leading the pack in staying up with the latest trends. Can technology really work to advance student learning? If the answer is yes, and we all know it is yes, then let's know the question we want answered and stay the course. Let's focus so those teachers who can't keep up with the trends feel comfortable enough to stay with what is working. Sure, we want to praise the teacher who is off on the tangents of the newest and shiniest -- afterall, it's fun! But, we can't do this and lose the teacher who is still in the trial and error stage with last week's technology. Please give them time to make it work for them. Please give them time to make it work for their students!

So, what do I do to get these people focused?

Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Day

I've learned so much today. Yes, I learn everyday, but today had a different line of thought. I'm sick. Nothing serious, so I feel very much like a baby to even mention it here. But it does drive the story of the day. Anyway, my illness is the "nothing new--it goes with this weather" type of illness -- a sore throat that started on Saturday and then turned into a sinus infection and laryngitis by Wednesday. I REALLY tried to get rid of this by other methods; but, I finally decided that I needed an antibiotic, so I headed for the doctor first thing this morning.

Yes, I am blessed on so many levels at the very start of the story. One, it's nothing serious; two, I have a car; three, I could drive myself; four, I have insurance! Okay, on with the story, I decided to go somewhere "quick" and near work, so I headed for my "favorite" doc-in-a-box. My typically very quick "here's your antibiotic, ma'am" turned into a two-hour wait to see a doctor. I thought of walking out a few times but finally became one with the wait. To my surprise, when the doctor arrived, he was VERY professional, VERY thorough, and VERY apologetic for taking so long. He explained that they always have two doctors on the staff but that today, his counterpart had called in sick. After two shots and a e-prescribed Z-Pack, I have to be on the way to recovery!

Well, the story doesn't end here. No, there was the prescription pick-up. I decided that I needed to start the antibiotic right away (why? not sure now!). I asked the doctor to send his e-prescription to the Target behind his office. I've never had a prescription filled there, but I thought of other things I needed and decided it would work out to my benefit. Over one hour later, I'm finally checking out with drugs in hand. The blessings from this event? I once again decided to become one with the wait; I had PLENTY of time to shop and think; I didn't faint even though I thought I might; AND, the Target pharmacy was VERY apologetic for taking so long. As a matter of fact, my prescription was free because of the wait! I didn't even complain once! I promise! Not even a grunt! (Yes, I have laryngitis, but I can still grunt if I really want to.)

And, the story doesn't end here. I did go into the office. It was on my way home after all. My co-workers are SO sweet. I had help from them with phone calls (remember that I can't talk!), I had help with my miss-matched medicine and odd directions from the pharmacy (it was free; remember?), I had more than one person tell me to "go home," I had lots of smiles and nods when I knew they didn't have a clue what I had said, and I worked so hard that I almost forgot I was sick. I started keeping track of those people who whispered back to me. So cute!

I made it home. I still can't talk, but I am so blessed! God is good!

Lessons? Patience. There is a great goodness in people no matter how bad the "world" seems. God is good all the time!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Here we go! PLU vs. PLN

Well, I knew it would happen. This little blog, started as therapy (yes, I prescribed this for myself), is turning into work. But, hey, I love my job, so why not?! This blog entry is actually an assignment for something we in Alabama call a PLU (professional learning unit). I like the premise of it -- continuing education that is more than that one- or two-hour workshop. But, can a PLU compete with a PLN? I don't think so. I think that PLN (personal learning network) is the glue that makes lifelong learning really "lifelong." My PLN is made up of people I don't know very well and yet I consider them friends. These people live all over the world and are, therefore, available to me 24 hours a day. Sleepless night? They are there posting thoughts to ponder and links to follow. I wonder all the time "what did we do before cell phones"? I also wonder "what did we do before social networking"? I love to read blog posts and love micro-blogging! Twitter? Wow! Let's have fun and learn together, PLN! Follow me at @krains and let's learn (and work) together!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Still Learning

My passion may be learning . . . about anything. I'm certainly a work in progress when it comes to my occupation. Educational technology is ever-changing and is always interesting to me. I hate it when I make mistakes; and, I absolutely hate it when I feel overwhelmed with the manusha of work (things that I could easily show someone else how to do) and then let big things slip by me. I am also a work in progress when it comes to life in general.

Back to what I love -- learning! Tonight I attended Biotech 101 at the HudsonAlpha Institute in Huntsville. Dr. Neil Lamb is one of those individuals who has found his passion and is connecting it with a community to reap rewards. For 90 minutes, I was spellbound. Amazingly, I think I understood some of what he said! DNA, genomes, proteins, chromosomes, etc., filled the air and my brain. We laughed and we learned. It was a great night, and I am looking forward to the next few weeks.

I'm still learning . . . .

Saturday, August 27, 2011

What are my interests?

This is the question of the day . . . the question of my life. Every time I am asked this question, I promise myself that I will develop some. Interests, I mean. How can I be this old and have to think so hard when asked that question? Why? How? It's because I am the quintessential work-a-holic. It's in my genes. My father was one; and, my mother complained about my dad's habits, but she was one, too.

Although I can't ever remember making it a New Year's resolution, it definitely has been a long-time goal to find my passion. There are so many things that I like to do but nothing that I am passionate about. Oh, just say something negative about my family and you'll witness some passion all right; but, beyond my family, I have never found that one thing that really gets me going like work.

I have always loved what I do. Yes, no matter what it has been -- teaching, IT work, administrative work -- I just love it. And, whoever I work for gets more hours out of me than they could ever afford!!!

I plan to write about my passions, about Life 2.0.