Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Day

I've learned so much today. Yes, I learn everyday, but today had a different line of thought. I'm sick. Nothing serious, so I feel very much like a baby to even mention it here. But it does drive the story of the day. Anyway, my illness is the "nothing new--it goes with this weather" type of illness -- a sore throat that started on Saturday and then turned into a sinus infection and laryngitis by Wednesday. I REALLY tried to get rid of this by other methods; but, I finally decided that I needed an antibiotic, so I headed for the doctor first thing this morning.

Yes, I am blessed on so many levels at the very start of the story. One, it's nothing serious; two, I have a car; three, I could drive myself; four, I have insurance! Okay, on with the story, I decided to go somewhere "quick" and near work, so I headed for my "favorite" doc-in-a-box. My typically very quick "here's your antibiotic, ma'am" turned into a two-hour wait to see a doctor. I thought of walking out a few times but finally became one with the wait. To my surprise, when the doctor arrived, he was VERY professional, VERY thorough, and VERY apologetic for taking so long. He explained that they always have two doctors on the staff but that today, his counterpart had called in sick. After two shots and a e-prescribed Z-Pack, I have to be on the way to recovery!

Well, the story doesn't end here. No, there was the prescription pick-up. I decided that I needed to start the antibiotic right away (why? not sure now!). I asked the doctor to send his e-prescription to the Target behind his office. I've never had a prescription filled there, but I thought of other things I needed and decided it would work out to my benefit. Over one hour later, I'm finally checking out with drugs in hand. The blessings from this event? I once again decided to become one with the wait; I had PLENTY of time to shop and think; I didn't faint even though I thought I might; AND, the Target pharmacy was VERY apologetic for taking so long. As a matter of fact, my prescription was free because of the wait! I didn't even complain once! I promise! Not even a grunt! (Yes, I have laryngitis, but I can still grunt if I really want to.)

And, the story doesn't end here. I did go into the office. It was on my way home after all. My co-workers are SO sweet. I had help from them with phone calls (remember that I can't talk!), I had help with my miss-matched medicine and odd directions from the pharmacy (it was free; remember?), I had more than one person tell me to "go home," I had lots of smiles and nods when I knew they didn't have a clue what I had said, and I worked so hard that I almost forgot I was sick. I started keeping track of those people who whispered back to me. So cute!

I made it home. I still can't talk, but I am so blessed! God is good!

Lessons? Patience. There is a great goodness in people no matter how bad the "world" seems. God is good all the time!

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